“This is the Dun Tolg,” said the guide. “Legend holds that he was bound to the roots of the world and made to swear an oath to speak only the truth. Should he ever utter a falsehood, the chains of calamity will be broken, unleashing the four Floods, the three Winds, and the final Fire.” The rocky form loomed overhead.
“For that reason,” the guide went on, “he has spoken not a word since the inception of the universe, and eventually turned to stone.”
“Oh,” said Chuck. “How’s that working out for you, big guy?”
The walls began to tremble…
DP FICTION #120B: “In His Image” by R. Haven
5 days ago
In the spirit of taking you up on your challenge of posting a response; I've posted this response.
Huzzah! As a note, you can feel free to repost the original text, as long as it has attribution; Mirrorshards is under a Creative Commons license. Hooray for derivative works!
Keep it up and I'll gladly add you to the blogroll. All of my dozen regular readers could be yours as well! (I'm being modest. I actually get sixteen unique daily hits. :-O)
How would you like that attribution to look? I do plan on posting more of these; however, I won't manage to be quite as prolific as you manage.
My name and preferably a link back to Mirrorshards would be quite sufficient. I selected a very permissive CC license; as long as you indicate me and point to this site, you can turn these into songs, full stories, poems, videos, whatever. Asking permission for really big stuff is nice, but not technically required.
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