Inspired by a prompt from Loren Eaton
He who kills a man with a metal weapon, he will meet me and I shall pierce his heart. He who kills a man with a stone, he will meet me and I shall sink him down. He who kills a man with a wooden tool, he will meet me and I will crush his bones.
Metal, stone, and wood; you have touched none of these. You said nothing. You did nothing.
You have murdered with nothing. You have killed with words.
You will meet me, and I will speak your name.
I am blood. Hear my voice.
DP FICTION #120B: “In His Image” by R. Haven
5 days ago
Chills, sir. Nicely done.
A bit of a generic approach, alas, but the recitation of various physical means of death triggered my need to have a ranty monologue about the power of words. (The very title of this blog is a reference to a ranty monologue I once wrote about the power of words, in fact.)
Glad you enjoyed!
Whoa, this one does give chills. I bow to your words.
Yet when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.
Oooh. I don't consider it generic at all. I think I was expecting a vampire; this was so much better.
Silly me for expecting - you're always so surprising.
Nah. I played too much White Wolf to want to go for divine vengeance = vampirism as an angle. To hell with the Book of Nod anyway.
Antedeluvians can suck it.
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