In the northern United States, there is a fungus. It is miles across, the largest single organism in existence. Dig into the ground anywhere and you'll find it, or a part of it. Remember this.
There is a smell to hotels, a hotel-motel smell, an old-carpet-cheap-cleanser smell. The air thickens with it. Open any hotel door anywhere in the world and you'll smell the same acrid scent in all of them. It is like a fungus.
Whatever you do, wherever you go, please, never go down into the basement of the hotel. It's important. Promise me. Promise me you won't...
DP FICTION #120B: “In His Image” by R. Haven
5 days ago
Yes, but did you know that fungus organism in Oregon is also edible.
Remember that!
Another reason to live in the Pacific Northwest--you'll never go hungry--though you may die from eating the wrong kind of mushroom.
(I liked the ominous mood to this piece. I almost didn't want to ruin it with light-hearted banter but, alas, I'm a slave to an immature muse.)
I love that fungus. It's got so much awesome story potential in it. Real-life weird is the best weird.
Hey, I've been in those hotel/motels! That fungus is an entity unto itself. whoa. I did NOT go into the basement, thank god.
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