Friday, March 25, 2011

"Terrible Lizard King" at Pseudopod

This week, Pseudopod, the premier audio horror podcast and a personal favorite, is running my story, "Terrible Lizard King." The motifs may be familiar to long-term readers, as it involves small children, imagination, and a permeable membrane to reality. Have a listen and defend my honor on the forums, Shardies!

(Splinters? Fragments? Fraggles? I dunno. What should we call fans of Mirrorshards, anyway?)

Further flitterfic updates are forthcoming later today; I'm busy switching over to full nocturnal mode, so I'm a bit discombobulated at present.


Loren Eaton said...

Downloading ...

Gerald said...

(Splinters? Fragments? Fraggles? I dunno. What should we call fans of Mirrorshards, anyway?)

Cracked from side to side?

Loren Eaton said...

Listened, loved it, tweeted it here.

Congrats, sir. The ending was appropriately freaky.

dolorah said...

That ending was profound - even from an adults perpective.

I liked that you changed the name of the hero to Patrick. It worked well.

Nathan I've never read/listened to one of your stories without thinking how amazingly talented you are. Your stories are so rich with vivid details. This one was no exception. The characters were awesome, real.

This was a wonderful break in my morning.


Scattercat said...

Glad you guys liked it!

I'm obsessively checking the thread in the forums and working myself up into a lather...

AidanF said...
