Monday, June 10, 2013

Structural Decay

He got up, just like every morning, and shut off the alarm clock.  He brushed his teeth and got dressed.  He didn’t notice anything odd until he got to the kitchen and tried to verb the eggs. 

He blinked and looked down at the saucepan, where the nouns still sat, verbing. 

“What?” he verbed.

He tried to verb the nouns again, but pronoun wouldn’t verb.

Frantically, he clung to specificity, but pronoun verbed adverb.

Noun verbed preposition article noun, but when he opened it, he saw the noun fading into adjective noun.  Noun verbed.  Noun verbed adverb.

“Expletive,” Noun verbed.


??? said...

That one first confused me and then made me laugh.

Scattercat said...

Pretty much the going rate around here, innit? ;-)