Saturday, December 17, 2011

Their Blood as Sweet as Their Sin

Krampus leered, his long red tongue flicking out to caress each face. Frieda, Nana, and Gertel cringed away, trapped. The demon flicked his bundle of birch twigs.

The door behind him opened, outlining his twisted form in light. The children wept with joy to see the red suit, the black boots, the twinkling eyes. "Saint Nicholas!" they cried. "Save us!"

The saint smiled down at them. "Children, children, do you not understand? Krampus is a demon bound by chains. I am the man who holds his leash. What does that make me?"

The door swung shut again. The darkness returned.


dolorah said...

Haha; way cool santa take :)


Loren Eaton said...

More Krampus! Me likes!

Scattercat said...

I thought about saving it for Advent Ghosts, but I already did Krampus once...

Anonymous said...

Good stuff!
You are officially invited: Write1Sub1 Reloaded

Scattercat said...

@Milo - I'd love to, but I promised myself that 2012 would be the year I finally at least finish a novel. (I have three manuscripts hovering between 30K and 50K right now.) I'm going to be dedicating my writing time to that whenever possible.